Description: John Kulmoski - Consulting Petroleum Engineer
Keywords: oil and gas production, reservoir, drilling, testing, facilities, construction, evaluated reserves, supervised drilling,recompletion, and workover prospects, M.S., B.S., University of Houston, Wes
Description: Samuel LeRoy, Ph.D. - V.P./ Geological Consultant Earth View Associates, Inc.
Keywords: integrated geologic, geophysical, computer imaging, and statistical analysis, lease acquisition, field extesions, Ph.D., M.A., B.S., University of Southern California, University of Florida
Title: Samuel leRoy
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Carol Lucas
Author-Handle: info@hypermedia
Description: Carol Lucas - Consulting Geologist
Keywords: managerial and technial positions, structural maps, stratigraphic maps, play maps, drilling practices, B.S., Unversity of Texas
Title: Carol Lucas
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Charles Lucas
Description: Charles Lucas - Consulting Petroleum Engineer
Keywords: technical positions, reservoir evaluation, simulation and property acquisition, computer simulation, drilling, workovers, B.S., University of Tulsa
Keywords: technical and managerial positions, oil and gas exploration, workstation, stratigrapher, field work, Ph.D., M.S., B.S., Rice University, Duke University
Title: Jeffery May
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Sean McQuaid
Description: Sean McQuaid
Keywords: rock property analysis, tuning analysis, forward modeling, seismic processing capabilities, MBA, B.A., City University, Oxford University
Description: Loran Morgan - Consulting Geophysicist
Keywords: seismic interpretation, acquisition, processing, basin analysid, prospect generation, workstation, field evaluation, team leader, B.S., University of Houston
Description: John Neasham, Ph.D. - Partner in Protech
Keywords: geological, petrophysical, engineering analysis, exploration, reservoirs, Ph.D., M.S., Iowa State University, United States Air Force Academy
Description: Federico Pardo-Casas - Latin American Representative
Keywords: techical, managerial, marketing, geophysical, geological, computer information environments, workstations, seismic processing, customer service, M.S., MIT
Title: Federico Pardo-Casas
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Ebb Pye
Description: Ebb Pye - Marketing Consultant
Keywords: sales and marketing, exploration and production, petrochemical industries, training, planning, promotional strategies, B.S., Texas A and M University
Title: Ebb Pye
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Charles Rego
Description: Charles Rego - Staff Reservoir Engineer
Keywords: inter-disciplinary communication, integration, engineer, stochastic 3D reservoir description, B.S., M.S.,University of California
Keywords: technical and managerial positions, seismic methods, research, planning, implementation, staffing computer facilities, M.S., B.S., Texas Tech University
Title: Wesley Rice
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Kenneth Russell
Description: Dr. Kenneth Russell, Ph.D. - Computer Technology Consultant
Keywords: managerial, technical and training positions, 3D seismic interpretation, modeling, mapping, geologic analysis, cartography, information technology, Ph.D., M.S., B.S., Princeton University, Oregon State
Title: Numerical Recipes Routines and Examples in BASIC
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Madison Symmetric Torus (MST)
Description: A reversed-field pinch device at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the magnetic confinement of plasmas for nuclear fusion research.
Keywords: MST, Reversed Field Pinch, Plasma, Fusion
Title: Madison Symmetric Torus (MST)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Chaos Data Analyzer
Description: A description of a commercially available DOS program for identifying and quantifying chaos in an experimental time series.
Keywords: Time series, Chaos, Software, Lyapunov Exponent, Dimension, Forecasting
Title: Chaos Data Analyzer
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Chaos Demonstrations
Description: A description of a commercially available DOS program for demonstrating chaos and related phenonema such as fractals, cellular automata, and percolation.
Description: Entry point to the UCAR/OFPS World Wide Web server. Links to CODIAC, the data management system of OFPS that allows browsing and ordering of atmospheric data via WWW.
Description: Description of CODIAC, the OFPS data management system, with access points to the World Wide Web interface for ordering and browsing atmospheric data.
Description: The global internet news agency (gina) is an ONLINE news/information distribution service. We distribute press releases, product announcements, media alerts etc. directly to the email accounts of technology/business editors and reporters around the world. We also maintain a Web Site wh
ere we post video, audio, photos, company background information and product demos.
Keywords: public relations, marketing, on-line press release distribution
Title: global internet news agency
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Informatik in Berlin und Brandenburg
Description: All Computer Science Departments in Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
Keywords: computer science, Berlin, Brandenburg
Title: Informatik in Berlin und Brandenburg
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: TU Berlin, Computer Science Department
Description: Homepage of the Computer Science Department of Berlin University of Technology
Keywords: computer science, documentation, Rechnerorganistion und Schaltwerke, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Prozeßdatenverarbeitung,Rechnertechnologie, Rechnerarchitektur, FIRST, Formale Spezifikation, Theoretische Informatik, Algorithmik und Logik, Funktionales und Logisches Progr
ammieren, Kommunikations- und Betriebssysteme,Offene Kommunikationssysteme, Computergestützte Informationssysteme, Programmiersprachen und Compiler, Softwaretechnik, Übersetzerbau und Programmiersprachen, Angewandte Elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Wissensbasierte Systeme, Knowleg
e Based Systems, Informatikmethoden in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Gesellschaft, Statistik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Ökonometrie und Statistik, Operations Research, Systemanalyse und EDV
Title: TU Berlin, Computer Science Department
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: TU Berlin, Berlin University of Technology
Description: Homepage of Berlin University of Technology
Description: Links zu wichtigen Esperanto-Infos und inoff. HP der Deutschen Esperanto-Jugend;/links to many esperanto-info and unofficial HP of the German Esperanto-Youth;/ligoj al multaj e-aferoj kaj neoficiala hejmpagxo de Germana Esperanto Junularo
Keywords: Esperanto, DEJ, GEJ, Treffen
Publisher-Organization-Handle: Deutsche Esperanto-Jugend
Description: An Archive of Documents which descripes how to build diffrent colour boxes and how to use them. Boxes are usefull if you do not want to pay for a telephone call.
Keywords: Phreak, Hack, Telephone, Blue Box, Colour
Title: Boxing
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Credit Card Fraud
Description: Explains how to card stuff and much more.